Other Links

Some of these links will take you out of this site. -----------------------------Use your browser's BACK button to return.

http://www.aa.org/ Alcoholics Anonymous, Inc. World Services NY (GSO)

WHAT IS AA ----- http://www.aa.org/pages/en_US/what-is-aa
AA Preamble ------- http://www.silkworth.net/aa/preamble.html
Big Book Online
Not sure if AA is for you?------Investigate it HERE. -----Are you an Addict? Try NA


The Doctor's Opinion-      From the A.A. Big Book (PDF) --https://www.aa.org/assets/en_US/en_bigbook_foreworddoctorsopinion.pdf


Alcoholism Facts
http://www.xa-speakers.org/ AA SPEAKERS
http://www.elmoware.com/ "a must, especially for us out here, as it's a link to tons of speakers in .mp3 format"



The AA 12 promises                  
http://silkworth.net/aahistory/emotionalsobriety.html/  Bill Wilson article on Emotional Sobriety​

After 75 years, we don't know why it works
http://www.rewritables.net/cybriety/aa_history.htm Has extensive links about AA history.

Why AA Works Sometimes (PDF)
http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/overview-alcohol-consumption/alcohol-facts-and-Statistics Alcohol-facts-and-statistics
https://www.graniterecoverycenters.com/  Alcohol-abuse- Binge-drinking



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